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functional medicine clinic

advanced technology of physiatrics



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Learning in

"School of Health":
+38 (050) 3745072

Anchor 5

study by the admitted practicing kinesiologists

Module I 




















NB! For the successful studying of practical material it is recommended to the listeners to repeat muscles anatomy and the muscle functions: mm. LatissimusDorsi, QuadratusLumborum, Deltoid, Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Subscapularis, TibialisAnterior, Popliteus, RectusFemoris, Piriformis, PectoralisMajor, TFL, Iliopsoas.


Theoretical part (40% of working hours)


You will learn:


  • How to survive a person under the ecological and endoecological catastrophes conditions

  • Factors affecting man and his health

  • Role of hygiene, cosmetics and household chemical things in the Modern Human life

  • Crisis of Medicine of the XXI century. Modern and Alternative Medicine: pros and cons

  • Where is emerging the disease?

  • Applied Kinesiology is the science that will help us to survive

  • The history of Applied Kinesiology. Key figures on the stages of its development.

  • The role and state of Applied Kinesiology in the modern process of diagnosis and treatment

  • Myology. Muscle properties. The main muscle groups, which are providing the movement. Types of muscle contraction.

  • Neurophysiological bases of muscle contraction. Neuromuscular spindle and Golgi tendon apparatus. Reflex ring.

  • Ideal patient. What does it mean?

  • Provocations in Applied Kinesiology. Provocation types. Demonstration and interpretation

  • The concept of therapeutic localization (TL). Demonstration and interpretation of TL in Applied Kinesiology


You will fathom:


  • The main point and necessary conditions of muscle testing

  • Manual examination of muscles: how to determine the muscles ability to respond to the stress state; the normal range criterion of functional muscle weakness

  • Muscle testing for the selection of food, water, household chemical goods, cosmetics and disinfectant

  •  Levels of formation the functional weakness phenomenon

  • What is hypotonic and hypertonic muscle?


Practical part (60% of working hours)


  • The honing of manual muscle testing skills under the instructor’s control

  • The learning of  myotatic reflex reduced activity testing

  • The learning of  basic skeletal muscle testing

  • The defining of chemical and cosmetic products tolerability due to muscle testing, using subjects as an example

  • Practical testing of skills in pairs, with following interpretation of the test results

  • Instructor’s control of the test results.



Anchor 6

study by the admitted practicing kinesiologists

Module II 





















NB! To pass the training cycle of the second module, students should have the muscle testing skills, be oriented in the main points of metabolic processes; have general knowledge about channel-meridian system, neurotransmitters.


Theoretical part (60% of working hours)


You will learn:


  • Digestive conveyor and its main elements. Food functions. Food components. Food experience and its role in human life

  • Tongue and teeth diagnosis

  • Proteometabolism. Proteins digestion. Typical disorders of protein metabolism. Food allergy

  • The medication markers of protein metabolism disorders, the diagnosis of protein metabolism disorders, using the Applied Kinesiology methods

  • Fat metabolism. Saturated and desaturated fatty acids

  • The major classes of lipoproteins, their functions

  • “Innocent victim” and cholesterol is vital!

  • The main factors contributing to atherosclerosis. Laboratory and instrumental methods of diagnosis. The concept of atherogenesis

  • The causes of vascular endothelium lesion. Diagnostic biomarkers

  • The diagnosis of impaired fat metabolism with the using of Applied Kinesiology methods

  • Carbohydrates - the main component of a modern human food. The carbohydrate nutrition  after-effect

  • Carbohydrates classification, their composition and biological role. Carbohydrate metabolism and its regulation. Functional tests and laboratory diagnosis of carbohydrate metabolism. Methods for energy producing in the human body

  • Dangers of carbohydrate nutrition in childhood. The concept of hypo- and hyperglycemia. Diabetes philosophy. Non-manifest diabetes. Pancreatic diabetes

  • Carbohydrate metabolism assessment, with the help of muscle testing.  The selection of specific dietary and exercise recommendations

  • Water in nature and humans. Its role and properties. Fluids and kinds of fluids

  • Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology of the urinary system. Kidney functions

  • The concept of the BCC. Water schedule and water balance. Types of water (dead, life-giving, light, heavy). Methods of water purification. Mineral waters

  • Energoinformational properties of water.

  • Determination of the body water balance and its correction with the help of muscle testing



Practical part (40% of working hours)



  • The honing of manual muscle testing skills under the instructor’s control

  • The learning of  myotatic reflex reduced activity testing

  • The learning and the honing of basic skeletal muscle testing skills, concerning protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism and water imbalances

  • Diagnosis of imbalances in the human body due to tongue and teeth

  • Determination of protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism imbalances, using the biomarkers and manual muscle testing

  • Practical testing of skills in pairs, with following interpretation of the test results

  • Instructor’s control of the test results.

Anchor 7

study by the admitted practicing kinesiologists

Module III




















NB! To pass the training cycle of the third module, students should have the muscle testing skills, be oriented in the main points of metabolic processes; have general knowledge about channel-meridian system, neurotransmitters


Theoretical part (60% of working hours)


You will learn:


  • Channel-meridian system (CMS) - versatile approach to understanding of the structural, biochemical, energy and emotional processes in the body

  • Theoretical foundations of the (CMS). The concept of U-Shin, yin-yang, Zhang Fu

  • Yin and Yang- as a reflection of law of the unity and struggle of opposites

  • Teaching about "ETI" energy. Large and small circle of energy circulation. The creative and destructive cycles. Mother-son, grandfather-grandson rule

  • The biological clock (noon-midnight rule). The biological clock correction

  • 14 main meridians, their topography, functions, standard items (the beginning, the end, signal, tonic, sedative points)

  • Biologically active points, their properties. Principles of sedation and toning

  • Meridians contact to internal organs, muscles, emotions

  • The concept of neurotransmitters. The main neurotransmitter systems

  • Relationships: Meridian-neurotransmitter-emotion

  • Acetylcholine and its clinical effects. Acetylcholine metabolism. Excess and deficiency of acetylcholine, as a manifestation of the CMS imbalance

  • Norepinephrine and its clinical effects. The metabolism of norepinephrine. Excess and deficiency of norepinephrine, as a manifestation of the CMS imbalance

  • Dopamine and its clinical effects. The metabolism of dopamine. Excess and deficiency of dopamine, as a manifestation of the CMS imbalance

  • Serotonin and its clinical effects. The metabolism of serotonin. Excess and deficiency of serotonin, as a manifestation of the CMS imbalance

  • Histamine and its clinical effects. The metabolism of histamine. Excess and deficiency of histamine, as a manifestation of the CMS imbalance

  • Gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA) and its clinical effects. The metabolism of GABA. Excess and deficiency of GABA, as a manifestation of the CMS imbalance

  • Aspartate / Glutamate and their clinical effects. The metabolism of Aspartate / Glutamate. Excess and deficiency of Aspartate / Glutamate, as a manifestation of the CMS imbalance


Practical part (40% of working hours)


  • Diagnosis of CMS status (excess and deficiency), methods for determining dysfunction, using manual testing

  • The remedy for dysfunction in CMS

  • Methods for the emotional state stabilizing with the help of impact on the standard points corresponding meridians.

  • The determination of significant priority imbalance in CMS through the neurotransmitter

  • The determination of significant priority neurotransmitter through the meridian

  • Learning how to work with nosodes "Meridian"

  • Learning how to work with nosodes "neurotransmitter"

Anchor 8

study by the admitted practicing kinesiologists

Module IV





















NB! To pass the training cycle of the forth module, students should have the muscle testing skills, be oriented in the main points of metabolic processes; have general knowledge about channel-meridian system, neurotransmitters


Theoretical part (40% of working hours)


You will learn:


  • Emotions and kinds of emotions

  • Anatomical and physiological components of mental activity

  • Thoughts influence on the hypothalamic-pituitary system activation

  • Consciousness structure (active consciousness, subconscious, unconscious, superconscious), its properties and diagnostic technique

  • Consciousness levels. D. Hawkins level of consciousness measuring scale

  • Psychological reversion

  • Unconscious emotions as the main spiritual order impediment

  • Unconscious emotions diagnostic technique

  • Person psychological state determination by using manual muscle testing

  • Methods of the emotional state correction

  • Chakras, their function and meaning

  • Chakra disorders diagnostic in Applied Kinesiology

  • The chakra disorders correction by using aromatherapy and music therapy


Practical part (60% of working hours)


You will fathom:


  • Unconscious emotions diagnostic technique

  • "Psychological reversal" status determination

  • Emotional state correction

  • Diagnosis of chakra disorders

  • Working with a "psychosomatic" set

  • Aromatic oils selection technique

If you are interested in this information and You want to study in "HEALTH SCHOOL" - you have a possibility to register for the earliest studying course on Tel:

 +38 (0372) 909 910

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