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functional medicine clinic

advanced technology of physiatrics



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Anchor 10

Applied kinesiology is new and progressive direction of medical science and practice, which combined the best traditional and alternative therapies. Kinesiology is the science that studies the movement in all its forms (kinesio - movement, logos - study), mechanisms of movement formation and the reasons of their disorder. Why is movement learning so important? Because movement is life and life is movement.


Applied kinesiology conforms fully to family medicine doctor’s requirements. During one visiting, the doctor is checking almost all systems and organs work, is finding a priority problem, selects the optimum scheme of recovery, increasing adaptation body’s reserves.

Technique advantages.


  • Exactly diagnosis. It is much better, than laboratory and hardware diagnostic techniques, such as our body is “sharing” the information about the disease before pre-clinical manifestations.


  • Body biofeеdback allows fast to correct the validity of diagnostics and treatments doctor’s conclusions before the treatments beginning.


  • The body's own strength activating is oriented to corrective actions in self-repaired systems.


  • Curing the whole body, because all inside it is interrelate. Back and join pain, as a rule, are upregulating  the innards disorders.  For applied kinesiology purposes is the treatment of the musculo-skeletal system diseases without disbalances correction on the side of innards ineffective.


  • The treatment is beginning while diagnostics. During the first patient’s  visiting the kinesiologist is harmonizing the muscle work,  improving the blood supply in problem organs, starting by this actions body restoration reaction.


  • Individual and pre-dosed approach to the treatment methods selection, which is based on the underlying disease understanding  and on the  individual selection appropriate  treatments.


  • Body treatment and recovery due to the natural methods. (herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, homeopathic preparations, acupuncture, Su-Jok therapy, massage therapy, aromatherapy, methods of psychological correction, etc.)


  • There are no contraindications and patient’s age restrictions. This technic can be used for children, pregnant women, elderly people.

Anchor 11

We offer you a new treatment method, focused on complex health improvement and on the elimination of certain functional disorders - cranio-sacral therapy (CST).


This is the treatment method of the musculo-skeletal system and innards. Due to this method is able to treat back and joints pain, headaches.


As a physical technique of manual therapy, it is directly promotes the release of emotional energy and breaks the association with past injuries of physical and emotional nature, allows mobilizing all human resources to eliminate specific dysfunction and the reproducing the immune balance in the body in general.



  • Chronic pain syndrome:

    • Headache

    • Pain syndrome (myofascial, neuromuscular, radicular)

    • Sympathetic reflex dystrophy

    • Spinal dysfunction

    • Pain dysfunctional syndrome temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

  • Injuries

  • Degenerative diseases of the central nervous system

  • Cardiovascular collapse

  • Postsurgical care

  • Brain dysfunction:

    • Autism

    • Cerebral palsy

    • Learning disability

  • Motor system problems

  • Endocrine disorders

  • Dyslexia

  • Scoliosis

  • Coordination deterioration

  • Emotional stress

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

Anchor 12

Manual therapy- therapeutic action, which are used in the methods of the physiological range joints kinesis in order to maintain the normal structure and function of the motor apparatus.


The main tasks of manual therapy are: correction of musculo-skeletal system disturbance, joints flexibility improvement, muscle tone normalization, formation of compensatory reactions on the part of individual muscle groups, training of rational static-dynamic homeostatis mechanism, positive influence on the psycho-emotional state, gravitational relief of spinal column, the non-specific stimulation of the immune system.



  • Oncopathology any localization

  • Severe bone osteoporosis

  • Acute infectious diseases

  • Inflammatory bones and joints diseases

  • Acute injuries and fractures

  • Specific infection of any localization

  • Spondylolisthesis, severe spinal column instability

  • Spinal disc herniation (complicated)

  • Acute bleeding and blood diseases

  • Visceral disease in decompensation stage

  • Dermal diseases

  • Psychopathology

  • Alcoholism

  • Age over 65 years

  • Acute  cerebrovascular disease (in the early period)

  • Bone anomaly

  • Post neurosurgery status

  • The negative patient’s attitude to the method of treatment

Anchor 13

Acupuncture is the treatment method, based on the introduction of special needles into specific skin areas (acupuncture points).


The needle impenetrates into the body tissues, irritating not only a skin, but also sensory receptors, muscles, nerve sheath. It makes reflex action on the central nervous system and leads to the mobilizing of body's own resources.


Acupuncture has no adverse reactions, in contrast to drug therapy, which can cause allergy. This is "eco-friendly", virtually painless method, which activates the body defenses.



  • Pain of spotty origin

    • Toothache

    • Headache

    • Heart  pain syndrome

  • Sleep disturbance

  • Various allergies

  • Сardiovascular disease

  • Chronic bronchitis and asthma

  • Stomach and dodecadactylon diseases

  • Cholecystitis and functional gastrointestinal disorders

  • Urinary bladder and women’s and men’s pelvic organs diseases

  • Genital organs dysfunction


It is widely used for the correction of arterial tension, overweight (specific reflect zones effect upregulates to the loss of appetite), normalization of the hormonal system. It helps to get rid of the craving for tobacco smoking.


Typically, the session lasts from 15 minutes to 1 hour, and the treatment course lasts from 1 to 20 sessions. It is used only disposable needles.

Anchor 14

Su-Jok therapy (in Korean "su" - hand, "Jock" - foot) is called a modern direction of acupuncture, which combined the old-age Eastern medicine knowledge and the latest European medicine achievements.


As in most eastern health improvement techniques, in Su-Jok therapy is paying special attention to the vital power existence, as to one of the most major energy systems, which defines overall health.

Su-Jok therapy presents a special technic complex, main purpose of which is the effect on specific points (acupressure points) on body surface. The effect is proceeding due to special needles (acupuncture) puncture, as well as moxibustion and calorlpuncture.


The main Su-Jok therapy principle is compatibility fact of (the phenomenon of compatibility) different organs and body parts with specific hands and feet areas (all this gives the name to therapy method). So, hand and foot are representing kind of the human body projection.


The Su-Jok therapy task is to redress imbalance in the human energy system, as a result comes the recovery.

Anchor 15

Kinesio Taping method was first proposed in 1973 by a Japanese doctor Kenzo Kase. Kinesio Taping found its supporters on a world-wide basis, because started to be widely used in sports medicine, rehabilitation, physiotherapy.


The principle of method consists in the tape glueing to injured place (damaged muscles, chorda, or hematoma) in a special way. There are several ways of glueing tape depending on the expectation. The tape elasticity is similar to the human skin elasticity, that’s why it compensates the part of load on the injured places.

Kinesio Taping outcomes:


  • Anesthetic

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Muscle relaxing effect

  • Hematoma and edama resolution

  • Lymphatic drainage

  • Soft joint reposition

  • Dynamic - improving limb or joint movement




  • Ligament tension

  • Soft tissue bruises and haematomas

  • Ankle, shoulder or fingers subluxation

  • Tennis elbow and the other repetitive stress injury

  • Plantar fasciitis (prominent heel)

  • Knee pain

  • Neck pain

  • Headache

  • Back pain, including in pregnant women

  • Osteochondrosis vertebralis

  • Lumbago

  • Postsurgical care

  • Dysmenorrhea

  • In pediatry - by functional dysmotility

Anchor 16

The human body reflects the state of mind. All the positive and negative thoughts, emotions, feelings, everything that happens in the soul - is reflected in the physical body. Our thoughts, feelings and emotions affect on our health. 95% of all diseases are the result of psycho-emotional problems. That’s why we can’t ignore the psycho-emotional human state in the process of health resumption.


What is standing in a human’s way of being healthy and happy?


Very often there are negative views, attitudes, beliefs and judgments, formed throughout human’s life, which are hiding at the back of mind and are blocking self-enrichment. If they are “living and accumulating” in the subconscious, then is human more distressing (depression, panic attacks, fears). Negative emotions are taking from 60 to 95% of human energy, culminating they are by soul and bode diseases manifested.


Applied kinesiology methods help us to discover the key emotions and to choose the psycho-emotional correction treatment course, and to exonerate the soul from the negative beliefs / attitudes, get inner freedom.

Inner freedom is a harmony with oneself, the ability to control own behavior, thoughts and life, a sense of emotional balance and harmony.

Anchor 17

Iridology is the diagnosis of iris, allowing to define with early stage the pathological processes and to recognize diseases hereditary background.


What is the main point of iridology?


Iris has the hole in the center— the apple of eye and is the automatic diaphragm, which is regulating the light stream, coming into the eye. Consequently, in bright light the apples of eye are narrow, in darkness- wide.  The eye is derived from nervous system. Iris has a very complex structure, and it can be regarded as advanced brain screen, oriented on the outside light stream perception and regulation and inside body pulse stream.


Iris has a huge number of nervous connections with internals, that’s why the whole organism is projecting on iris. If there is a pathology of any organ, on iris, like at the map, are coming some specific changes, primarily – pigment redistribution.


If an organ or body part “are failing”, eyes are reflecting this in the iris. These projection scheme knowledge allows to determine the nature of pathological body changes. The main iridology advantage: the doctor can define not only "visible" diseases, but also the diseases, which are still in pre-clinical asymptomatic period.


Through the patient’s eyes the iridologist can see the past (genetic status — hereditary defects; earlier diseases), the present and the future health states (premonitory symptoms).

If you are interested in this information and You want to improve your health level - you have the opportunity to book an appointment to experts of "МedАlternatyva"

call: +38 (0372) 909 910

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